Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Other Parting Salon

I haven't posted in a while...I promise I am still alive I am just overwhelmed to the max. I miss my not-so-busy lifestyle...and I'm having trouble parting with it. Hence it being 12:30 and I still have a lot of work to do for my classes tomorrow! At least they don't start until 11:30am!!

For those without a Facebook...I got my hair cut on Friday. Yeah its short, but I kind of really love it. This was my first time ever getting my hair professionally cut. So, as a 20 year old I walked into the salon and was completely lost. I made it out okay and the girl not only massaged my scalp nicely, she managed not to ruin my hair!!

In other news: its midterm week, we lost power once again (for just 5 or so minutes this time), I went to see Up (which really is as good as a movie as everyone says it is), I have rediscovered the magical homework finishing powers of the library, I read The Princess Bride, my hair dries in under 10 minutes, and Obama wants to legalize marijuana (woot!).

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Banana Bonanza

I have one word for you today. Yum.

Pancakes and bananas = Yum
Banana bread = Yum
Yogurt and bananas = Yum
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches = Yum

The above list = I inherited too many bananas for my own good

: )

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There Snow Way

Winter has arrived in Rexberg. This is after not quite a week of Fall and a longer than normal Summer. Snow is awfully pretty though. : )

In other news I'm going to Vegas this weekend, for Sarah's wedding. I'm way excited to see her and Larin, and my Mom and Dad too!! It will be a nice break after a very busy week!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Creamy Inheritance

So when I got back from summer break...there was a crock pot in my closet. Someone apparently no longer cared for it. But now I do.

I decided to try to create this tasty dish that Brooke posted on her recipe blog and that Cassie had made a few times for my eating pleasure.

It's this delicious Creamy Italian Chicken schloop....that is great atop a delicious pile of rice or on fresh bread or biscuits.
It was sooo sooo good and since I made a lot that I don't have room to store anywhere...I'm gonna go share it with some of the best people on the planet. You should make it...its tasty. Thanks Brooke!