Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas Cat and the Card

Wow I haven't updated this in a while.

I did finally find a new job. I started in September as an Account Manager at Discover Card. Basically I answer phones all day. It's 10x better than my last job though. I get paid better and get tons of time off and still the flexibility to work and do other things. The biggest thing I have learned though is to appreciate the people who are on the line when you call in to a company. We all hate when someone tries to sell us something on the phone when we call in about something simple. But as the person whose progress at work is primarily rated on whether or not a product is offered (not sold) I am more than willing to take the time to sit through a little bit of a longer conversation and then say that I'm not interested.

In November I went to the Humane Society of Utah to adopt a cat and came home with this hunk of love.
Roxy fit in and was right home from the second she walked in the door. She wouldn't eat (when she did she'd throw it up) or go to the bathroom and on top of that she cam down with an upper respiratory infection. Because she wouldn't eat her cough and runny nose just kept getting worse and worse for the week that I had her. Finally the hard decision was made to take her back so she could find a home that had more time to really care for her the way she needed. The policy of the Humane Society is that if the animal you adopt has to be returned within 30 days, you can exchange it for another animal.

So the following week I went back and found the cutest 3month old kitten. Her name was Enigma. But I changed it to Juno (much easier to say).

Now a month later she is Queen of the apartment. Every thing is a toy. The garbage. The blinds. The dirty dishes int he sink. My glasses. Every cord, string, and piece of paper. But most especially..the refrigerator.

She of course as every cat does, loves to climb and jump and I catch her in the weirdest places taking naps. Like the kitchen counter next to my keys, work badge, and bus pass. I also find her napping in the bathroom sink and playing int he toilet. : [

Even though I'm a little too poor to make it home for Christmas this year. I decided instead to invest in a little Christmas cheer. Namely in a tree.

Three feet of dazzling lights and fake Douglas Fir means Christmas is definitely coming to my little part of Salt Lake City. Thanks Wal-Mart. Yes my lava lamp is for some reason next to the tree.

I will be going up to Idaho to spend Christmas with the family that I can. It will be Juno's first adventure out into the world and getting to meet some new people. It will mostly be nice to get away for a few days and get to see family to make Christmas feel a little more real.

With this posting I was to wish a happy and safe Christmas to everyone and their families!!


Cassott Kinghorn said...

WE CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

Starr said...

Merry Christmas, Emily!

Felisa Love said...

want another kitty? she's cuuuute! i have to give her away. because it my landlord is a butt and... yes. he's just a butt.

emily said...

Thanks everyone! Felise I wish I could take another Kitty..technically management doesn't know I have I prolly shouldn't push my luck.