Sunday, October 4, 2009

Creamy Inheritance

So when I got back from summer break...there was a crock pot in my closet. Someone apparently no longer cared for it. But now I do.

I decided to try to create this tasty dish that Brooke posted on her recipe blog and that Cassie had made a few times for my eating pleasure.

It's this delicious Creamy Italian Chicken schloop....that is great atop a delicious pile of rice or on fresh bread or biscuits.
It was sooo sooo good and since I made a lot that I don't have room to store anywhere...I'm gonna go share it with some of the best people on the planet. You should make it...its tasty. Thanks Brooke!


Love Lorri said...

Is it possible I can have the recipe for the slopp? Loooks really good!

emily said...

I linked the recipe in the post...or you can just follow this one

Happy Cooking!!!

Brooke said...

Yay! It's yummy and easy! I'm trying to find my crockpot recipe for pizza that I posted so we can have that tonight....mmmm! :) See you this weekend...I am so EXCITED!

Cassott Kinghorn said...

Thanks so much for sharing Em and thanks for the amazing recipes Brooke! :) YAY! We get to see Brooke!!!!!!!