Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am officially on the home stretch as far as school goes. I am hoping to be finished with all of my finals by Wednesday, so Thursday can be spent packing. since our apartments are being repainted over break we have to put absolutely everything in a box. Lame.

Yesterday I did my Personality final in class. Yes, the awesome one on Ace Ventura. And I totally kicked butt. Here are a few of the slides from my presentation:

It was a tantalizing presentation as I'm sure you can tell. Finishing this also means that for that class all I have to do is show up on Monday and Wednesday.

To close I wish you all a happy remainder to your weekend. I am off to see Harry Potter 6!!

1 comment:

Brooke said...

The presentation sounds wonderful, I'm sure it was one of the funner ones to do. Hope that you enjoyed Harry Potter, Lincoln and I saw it last night and we both liked. Well, I liked it, Lincoln was sort of put out that they missed some of his favorite parts of the book.