Monday, July 13, 2009

Shikaka Clue-down

There are only 11 more days until I'm home...yes, the countdown has officially begun. Thankfully this semester will close with significantly less work than my last one, but will still be busy. For my final project in Personality we were assigned to analyze a fictional character(s) according to the theories of someone we studied through out the semester. I will be giving my presentation Friday on how the Wachati tribe in Ace Ventura demonstrates 'external locus of control' (theory of Julian Rotter) in their superstitions and near worship of Shikaka. I'm pretty excited about it.

Tonight for FHE our group played a Clue Murder Mystery. I got the part of Mrs. White the maid/keeper of the house/butler. I was the third to be killed out of the group, and died by a mysterious stroke while on the toilet.

I think I was a pretty hott maid...its a shame I had to die in such a horrible place under such horrible conditions! I was surprised at how well we managed to pull it off, it was a little awkward and we let the killer kill us all, but it was fun. Now for homework and hydrating.

1 comment:

Starr said...

You look really attractive in the tie. (I actually mean that -- it's a good look for you.)

Funny how you got to be a housemaid instead of the femme fatale Mrs. White. I can't help but grin when I hear the line, "I believe husbands should be like tissues. Soft, strong, & disposable."