Sunday, July 19, 2009


When I got home yesterday from hanging out with my family, I found the following on my pillow. Twas a goodbye note from Mr. Spatula (with lady lips) and a promise for a fast replacement. Little does a certain roommate know, but by accidentally melting my spatula in half and offering to buy a new one, she has done me a huge favor! Not to say it wasn't a great spatula....but it wasn't. ; )

I am soooo looking forward to getting home on Friday!! I once again will be journeying on my own from Newark to New Brunswick and will hopefully by Friday have some way of getting myself home from New Brunswick train station, seeing as my parents will be on the Trek when I arrive. I think Becky should drive the car to pick me up...but that's just a suggestion. : )'s to a fabulous Monday!


John and Kathy said...

I can pick you up from the airport Emily....tell me what time and I'll be there!

Felisa Love said...

RIP, Mr. Lady Lips.

Brooke said...

Wish I could help with the ride, but it's the thought that counts, right? :) I loved the farewell letter from the broken hearted Mr. Spatula, who obviously just heard about the infatuation with Batman and therefore could not go on any longer, therefore he jumped in the way of your roommate's least that's the way I see it. Have a great time at home!