Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Classes Swap Busy

Yesterday was a busy day. Not only preparing myself for classes to begin, but Jitta as well. We did finally get her checked in, I gave her a virtual tour of campus (it was snowing), helped her buy her books, and then sent her off to go shopping with her roommate!!

I also got my books and ventured into the new food area on campus for the first time since they redid it. It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. I met my room roommate whose name is Emma and she seems pretty nice, however neither of us really talk. My other two roommates I already knew, Kristen and April.

I went to my first class, Natural Disasters, today at 9am. The professor is pretty funny and keeps things interesting. His wife is in the a that legal?!? At 12:45 I will sit in on a Research Methods class that I hope to add, go to Old Testament, then to Sensations and Perception.
Then I will hang out with Jitta as her last class of the day is in the same building as mine. We can swap horror stories and she can tell me about all the new friends she has made!!

Yay life.


Starr said...

Yeah, it's legal. Because, Natural Disaster doctors are like philosophers: they aren't the kind of doctors who help people.

How cool that you are helping out Jitta. Give her a hug from me. Then be prepared to have her tell you how awful I am at keeping touch.

Cassott Kinghorn said...

Hey Hey Hey :) We tagged YOUUUUUU :)