Sunday, May 17, 2009

Butte-iful Bonfire Bit

I have had a fabulous weekend.

On Friday Boy feeling a bit more like himself and we ventured out with a group from our ward to climb R mountain (aka the North Menan Butte). We left around 8pm so while we were climbing we got to see the sun set. It certainly was very romantical. Going back down after it was dark was a nightmare though. It was steep, rocky, and very slippery. After we got to the bottom we went to Beaver Dick Park (yes that is the name of the park...I swear) and had a bonfire. Our bonfire was lacking food so we didn't stay for very long.

Today Dan and I decided to have lunch together after church at my place and Boy came along too. That was pretty fun and yummy! Then around 7pm Boy and I went to watch a movie with another couple. The movie was about killer lions. I am now extremely glad that there are no lions in Idaho, only killer return missionaries on the hunt for beautiful young brides (thank goodness I'm not beautiful!). Boy and I then went stadium singing. And after, Boy sent me home to do my homework. I didn't and decided to post a blog instead.

I hope you also had a fabulous weekend!


Starr said...

Oh how things have changed. The hunters have become the hunted.

Back when I was a girl (since I'm so old), Ricks was the place where RMs were a rare and much desired marital prize. Now their numbers have grown & they've come to conquer their former oppressors.

Brooke said...

BTW, are beautiful. Me thinks boy is lucky.

Love Lorri said...

Me thinks boy is lucky too! Not only cuz yous is beautiful but cuz yous is funnyl!
miss ya!