Thursday, March 5, 2009

Proposing Airbourne Comics

Days off are supposed to be fun. Mine however always seem to be filled with work than usual. Today I need to interview someone on a meaningful learning experience they have had and then transcribe it and submit it by midnight. I also have to write up a proposal for my research paper in English. That however means that I need to know what I am going to write it on. I have a few ideas but nothing solid yet. I also have a basketball game at 9:15 which means I will undoubtedly miss most of Grey's Anatomy. ::sigh::

So there is a long story surrounding the following picture. Boy had a cold a few weeks ago and while he was over my roommate decided to pump him full of every anti-germ thing she had. This included a glass full of Airbourne. It looked gross, but he drank the whole thing. The next day however he was feeling even worse and left church early to get some rest. While all alone in Sunday school I drew this lovely comic (you will need to click on it be able to read it). Please ignore the immature elephant drawings at the bottom.

The first box is rather unclear. Boy is saying ::cough cough::, and April is handing him a glass of toxic Airbourne. As you can tell by the magnet in the corner...this comic now brings life to our otherwise boring refrigerator.

On a more mature note, I got accepted onto fast grad and will be going to school year round. While my schedule will pretty crazy I will be done with my Bachelors by the end of next summer! Now I have to figure out where I am going to live and all that fun stuff.


Starr said...

That comic is hilarious. You totally should try to get it published.

The final frame reminds me of a question I once posed in an Institute class: how long does a couple have to be stuck on an island before they qualify as married? Law of chastity issues might easily arise. My Institute teacher said when an angel appears and performs a sealing, but that seems a bit extreme. Did your comic characters see an angel or did they go with a "common law" arrangement :)

emily said...

I really do love it. I wonder who would publish it....hmmm

They more went with a common law arrangement...that is an interesting question though...

Cassott Kinghorn said...

Horray today! It didn't even cross my mind that by you graduating next summer you would be here with us during the summer...hahahaha. My brain sometimes makes me laugh. Horray for Rexburg-ness-of-life shared with Emily :)