Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nonsensical Plasma

We had an absolutely embarrassing FHE last night. One of my roommates had the brilliant idea to play What If for our activity. In this game everyone writes down a question beginning with "What if" fold it and puts it in a bowl and everyone draws out a different one. On the back of that one they write an answer to the question they wrote. Then you go around in a circle reading the new nonsensical question answer pairs. It is a really fun game...however last night the majority of the questions were along these lines...

What if Josh and Emily got married before the end of the semester?
What if Josh hated Lola forever and ever? (she had written the above question)
What if Josh and Emily had twins?
What if Josh was really gay?

The answes with most of these were pretty lame, but still made both of us blush. According to our audiences blush-o-meters Josh was a lot redder than I. The answer to the last one was hilarious.

What if Josh was really gay? Then rainbows would cease to exist.

What a night. Today I will be giving plasma for the first time and getting $20 for my generosity. I also have a co-ed basketball game at 8:15 tonight which should be pretty fun. Not only have we never practiced but I don't even know who is on my team!! And hopefully I recover well from my plasma experience so I can really play!! Go BYU-I 15th ward!!!

1 comment:

Starr said...

Wow, that speaks volumes about the maturity level of your FHE group. It was like listening in on a slumber party from fifth grade.

I do like the gay/rainbow connection, though.