Saturday, February 28, 2009

Nostagic Activities

So last night I went to an International Cinema on campus. They were showing Nostalgia a Russian film that was mostly in Italian. It was pretty ridiculous and I'm not even referring to the Italian. I'm not even sure what the movie was about...I do remember a guy lighting himself on fire.

Tonight our ward is having a Ski/Snowboarding/Dinner/Games party at Kelly's Canyon. I am still trying to decide whether or not to try skiing. I am not sure that I am not ready to die, but it would probably be fun. If not I will spend some quality time with Boy in the lodge eating free food. My camera will be accompanying me and pictures will be shared!

(I still have yet to finish it....but it is a great book so far!!)


Brooke said...

I want to read that book, it looks good and I've read all the ones I have so.... :)
I don't recommend skiing, I absolutely hated it and would rather spend time in the lodge eating free food with *boy* any day. Hope that you have a great time regardless of your choice.

Starr said...

Differing opinion: I wish I could go skiing. It's frustrating and seemingly-impossible the first time, not to mention scary, but once you get going it feels quite a lot like ice skating.

Anyway, have fun with Boy, no matter what you do.