Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great Aspirations

I have been thinking a lot about what to be when I grow up. You know, dream jobs that may or may not actually exist.

Jobs Emily Wants to Have When She Finally Grows Up:
- A stunt double for crazy awesome action movies. Or a stunt double for myself!
- A fire woman. Note: this is not a fire fighter....this would be the person who gives them a job!
- The person who makes the counter tops, floors, toilets, and cupboards grossly dirty so they can be used in commercials for cleaning products.
- Jim Carrey's wife.

1 comment:

Starr said...

Hm, I like your list. I'm surprised by #2. That seems too much like HR/administrative work. . .unless by "giving them a job"you mean that you want to be a professional pyro. In which case, Hollywood (or prison) is calling your name.