Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Manic Blah Unicorns

Today was not particularly exciting. Classes were blah, walking up and down the same hill was blah, my scrambled eggs this morning were even blah (too much milk and not enough salt).

But, that was all made better by my discovery that unicorns really do exist...

I never would have thought of Unicorns as one horned albino deer...but they do seem to fit the cut!

I also happened upon a list of "mania's" today and found it to be quite eye opening. Even though this particular list was not all inclusive I found that I fell under more than a few categories. Perhaps you do as well.

phaneromania- excessive nail biting
sophomania- delusion that one is incredibly smart
opsomania- abnormal love for one kind of food (LASAGNA!!!)
clinomania- excessive desire to stay in bed


Unknown said...

its more like a muddy unicorn... not very albinoish...

Unknown said...

escept this is actually ben using alex's google acount..... complicated...

emily said...

i meant that my old idea of unicorns were are ever so complicated...

Starr said...

I read the article about unicorns a couple of weeks ago. Some photo, huh?