Thursday, September 25, 2008

Grey's Mafia Bridal Sneeze

I'm sorry that I did not give a spoiler alert on my last post. If you still haven't seen the latest Heroes episode don't read it!!

My day today was particularly random, I suppose a list will suffice.

- In Communications this morning we played Mafia (or Gadianton Robbers for those LDS readers). It was fun but took forever. We got down to six people, I was one of them, and we still had two murderers and no cop. Way to go us.

- While analyzing Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll is double sneezed. To clarify this is not a "Achoo- pause- Achoo" it is rather a "Achoo-choo." It was amazing not having to wait those few moments for the second sneeze to come.

- A girl in my English class had an asthma attack in class and we spent the first 20 min calling her roommate to bring her inhaler and all that jazz. The nice thing is that her comments in class really annoy me so I didn't have to deal with it today!! I do hope she is ok though!

- I was invited to a Bridal/Make Fun of Cassie Party on Friday the 27th of September. Yeah, that's what I said. I'll show up on Friday the 26th and hope the party is there!! I am also really nervous to RSVP cause I really only know Cassie!! And what to get her as a gift...any ideas Cassie?!?

- Well I'm off to bomb my first Statistics test and then enjoy two hours of GREY'S ANATOMY!!!


Cassott Kinghorn said...

so it's a good thing that checking emily's blog is one of Scott and Cassie's daily ritual's ;) the make fun of cassie party IS tomorrow and you can bring me...something remarkable. Something that will go down in roommates are hilarious and you will enjoy yourself. Honestly you don't have to get me anything...weird...hmm...i don't know what I would get me...something you have noticed that we need at our apartment perhaps? oh oh! i know! an empty sparkling soda bottle to be friends with the other one on top of the fridge! YES! perfect...haha...good luck :)

Starr said...

Hi Princess, looks like you've got some input from the bride herself. But here's a recommendation that I suspect you'd love: toilet paper. And maybe a toilet scrub brush & a can of Comet or something like that.

You'd be amazed at the number of people who move into a new house (even though it sounds like Scott is already there) and say a couple of hours into unpacking, "I've got to use the bathroom. . . oh, no, we haven't got any toilet paper!"

Starr said...

Hi Again, Jason would like Scott's email address. May we have it please?