My big presentation is tomorrow morning and I should be sleeping right now and I'm not. I'm procrastinating the inevitable. No really, I should sleep.
I spent all day today trying to finish this research paper on the impact of Freud's sexual theories, but I only sort of finished it. It's a good thing we can revise it and turn it in again at the end of the semester. As of right now my paper isn't really all that great. It needs some serious work.
I had dinner tonight with Scott, Cassie , Dan , and Heather which was way fun. It was a pleasant mid week surprise! Dinner was also more than welcomed into my digestive system given that it had had nothing to munch on since 9 this morning. Thanks for dinner you guys!!
I noticed today that I can see little marks on some of the keys on my computer. I'm thinking those are the keys I use the most. If my assumption is correct then I use most often a,s,e,r,t,f,g,h,b,n,i,o,., and the space bar. Interesting. Did you notice that all the letters in the word "interesting" are on that list...interesting...
Okay, I'm going to sleep now.