Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Silly Town Pie

Last night was super fun! Not only did I get to see Twilight but I went to a casino for the very first time! Edward by the way is so unattractive that I laughed when he was shown for the first time.
(Our movie theater/casino)

When Sarah got home from work today we went to Town Square, an outdoor mall, with some of her roomies. It had been rainy all day and was still drizzling but it was still fun. given that it is nearly Christmas time, all the palm tress were decked out in Christmas lights.

(Sorry if this picture makes you dizzy but I love it!)

(Decorated palm trees, silly and yet elegant)

Our second adventure of the night was pie making. I think I probably made the crust wrong, because it just would not roll out. Or maybe it was the fact that it was 10 at night. Long story short we could not get a good top rolled out so we did strips, and it looks delicious!

(Oh, did I forget to mention Sarah's beautiful counters didn't help either?)

(My expert trimming skills, and our expert pie)

1 comment:

ash said...

so what did you think of twilight?1