Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fried What If

I am excited for fried rice tonight. A perfect meal I think to follow a long fast. Or what I think would be better termed a long "slow".

I got bored today (surprise) so I decided to play a game with myself. It's a simple game, all you need is time and an imagination. Here is how you play:

Step 1: Think of the most ridiculous what if statement ever.
Step 2: Picture it.
Step 3: Laugh.

Some of my personal best:
- What if yams really were hairless rodents?
- What if I was featured in a Mad Tv skit?
- What if I could turn anything I touched into ice cream?

Okay so they're not really very creative, can you do better?


John and Kathy said...

If yams were hairless rodents I would think twice about that slice of sweet potato pie, you know what I'm sayin'?

Brooke said...

I do wish I could turn things to ice cream, but not everything...babies would make stinky ice cream.

emily said...

hhahahha...true true!!!