I spent more than 6 hours today writing tiny notes on both side of an 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper to take in with me on my Psychology test. It was beautiful. The lettering was just barely readable and it was separated into neat little groupings. The empiricists, renaissance men, early philosophers, important dates to know, and vocab were on the front; with rationalists, Plato, Aristotle, and random other things on the back. Might I also mention that in the making of this masterpiece I postponed a call home and m afternoon nap in order to finish it.
Then on my way out of the testing center the guy behind the desk makes me throw it away. I think he was confusing them as notes on scrap paper concerning question on the test(yes you have to throw these away), when really it was notes I had brought in with me (you're supposed to be allowed to take them out with you). I pointed this out to him, which for me is pretty bold, but he insisted. If I was braver, more willing to fight, and maybe even better looking, I probably would have in my hands at this very moment the only reason I got an 80% on the multiple choice portion of that test, and you would be looking at a picture of it. ::sigh::
In other news, some management person in our complex decided to leave the sprinklers on all night last night. So in my rush to get to class in the morning, I was splashing through puddles and dodging the vicious spray of the sprinklers. After making my way through said puddles my socks suddenly felt very wet. Wondering what had happened I instinctively looked at the bottoms of my shoes. It was then that I came to the conclusion that I need new shoes.
Its a good thing I have my "snow shoes" in addition to these pieces of junk! Last winter at this time we were starting to get snow! Oh, speaking of snow i found a cleaners out here that will fix the zipper on my coat, so i need to do that before real winter too.
I'm off to tackle an impossible pile of home work and start packing for our trip to Utah this weekend!!
So did you get tickets? Have a really fun time!
I love your post, your so awesome! Next time be a little bolder! come on you can do it and believe me you are cute enough, you just have to believe it!!!!
Definitely cute enough! Not to mention brilliantly funny. I'm proud of you for being bold.
And I'm proud of you for being honest about the power of trashed shoes. Remember how Graham's shoes always have holes in them? It's not because we didn't _want_ him to be part of the well-heeled class -- it's because he treats his favorite (holey) shoes as if they give him super powers. Your shoes grant you the power to swim through grass -- how cool is that!
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